Beyond our primary focus on needle-free products for animals, the Pulse technology can administer liquid into a wide range of tissues through precise, pressure-controlled delivery.
Pulse Biotech, LLC is the affiliate business that serves non-veterinary markets, including the horticulture industry. To learn more about partnering opportunities for expanded applications of the Pulse technology, please contact us at [email protected].

The Pulse Xyleject injection device is specifically designed for injection into the vascular system (xylem) of grapevines. The device is designed to propel a pre-set dose of liquid into the grapevine, using controlled pneumatic pressure.
Contact Information for ordering the Pulse Xyleject device (grapevine injector to administer XylPhi-PD):
Pulse Biotech, LLC
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (913) 599-1590 ext. 1001
Click here to view the XylPhi-PD Sell Sheet for more information on Pierce’s Disease and XylPhi-PD.